Terms and Conditions

  1. We ship FedEx and UPS, insured Express, Adult Signature Required.
  2. You have a 3 day period to accept your items after which we mark it sold.  We will refund you the net of shipping and insurance beyond which we paid.  If you paid us $10 and actual costs were $20 shipping we will net the $10 from your refund.
  3. Returns will be refunded less actual shipping costs.  We pay most of the shipping although a very small amount is charged to you at purchase.
  4. Dispute:  If UPS or FedEx or the USPS have an adult signature and claim it delivered we have to defer to those shipping agents.  Please, you tell us when you'd like it delivered and we'll work with the shipping agents to attempt that request.  Remember, weather and other factors may delay shipping to your request which we cannot be held respoonsible All items are sold in “AS-IS” condition. Most of the items we sell are reaching 80+ years of age, and many factors contribute to the condition of one item over another.
  5. Wire Transfer.  You may contact us directly to setup a wire transfer in lieu of other methods.
  6. Tracking numbers will be emailed to you.